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Dreams 01-16-04

I woke up in the middle of the night,
as I usually do now,
I can't seem to sleep the night through
to save my life,
but anyway, I woke at 3:37 this morning
and that was the only time
I remembered a dream from last night.
I think I was at home,
but I don't remember what my home looked like,
but I think I was there,
and I tried to call a male friend of mine,
and I couldn't connect -
the operator wouldn't connect me through

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Gossip III


"Oh my God, there was this guy,
he worked where I worked, at the options board
and we went out, and I went to his place

and he took me there in his GEO Tracker
and I saw in his apartment
that he had a framed
autographed picture
of the lead singer from R.E.O. Sepeedwaon,
what was his name,
but yeah, he had this autographged picture
framed in his stereo cabinet -
it was even a glass cabinet, you know,

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Crush/But I Won't

July 5, 2000

I had a crush on you
oh, what am I saying
I have a crush on you
and I think I've had it for a while
but I know
there is not a thing I can do
and I can wish
for something to change in my life
but it won't

Damned Green

July 5, 2000

I see these images now
of a bunch of men
looking like sticks
with eyes so big
all in green
because you ran out of paint
and all you had
was the DAMNED green

and these images
what do they mean?
I think I just learned them
and did everyone else?
where did they learn them from?
same places I did?
a television show
some hot stud on tee vee
that you're really not attracted to

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For Now I'll Think

July 5, 2000

Jesus Christ,
there are so many things
that I have wanted
and that there is a part of me
that wants you to take me
and get naked with me
and do things I shouldn't write about
so I won't
so I guess I'll sit here
and be with someone else
but for now
for now I'll think

From The Dead

July 5, 2000

And he rose
from what you think was from the dead
and could he come
and throw his beloved juices,
i mean, beauty,
all over the planet

did it sound religious?
did it sound sexual?
they can be one and the same

which is which?

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